Let's head over to the Prep's Modern Language Department and chat with second-year Spanish teacher, Ms. Gina Gulli.
Ms. Gina Gulli |
While studying at
LaSalle University (secondary education/Spanish), Ms. Gulli observed classes at Central, Northeast High, and her
alma mater Cardinal Dougherty (2007), before completing her student teaching at St. Hubert's. Before landing her first teaching job in the States at the Prep, Ms. Gulli - a Harry Potter aficionado and accomplished
Quidditch coach - taught at a public high school in Madrid. Although she is Philly-bred (Lawncrest, St. William's parish), Ms. Gulli, who knew she wanted to be a teacher in "first grade", misses her Spanish friends and Madrid's superb
public transit system.
Why the Prep?
I've always heard good things about the Prep. And after teaching at St. Hubert's, I understand the value of a single-sex education. The position was open, it seemed like a good fit, so I submitted an application. I'm thrilled that it worked out.
What do you want Prep students to understand?
I want to give them an appreciation for other cultures; to make them aware of other customs through holidays, cuisine, and of course, language. It's so easy for a teenager to be consumed with his daily responsibilities that he often forgets that there's an entire world, with people whose lives are so very different, beyond his neighborhood.
What do you enjoy most about working at the Prep?
My students. In addition to teaching a full course-load (5 classes), I moderate two clubs: the
Junior Statesmen of America (JSA) and the Harry Potter Club/Quidditch Team. The groups could not be more different - but each group brings the same enthusiasm and curiosity. It's wonderful.
Besides teaching, moderating, and perusing the Quidditch rulebook, what are some of your hobbies or interests?
I really love to sing. On Sundays I sing in a choir at
St. Katherine of Siena in the Northeast. And during the summer I read. It's tough to read during the academic year because I'm so busy.
Have you set any professional goals?
I've already accomplished one: to become a Spanish teacher at a school that I love. I've also started graduate classes at LaSalle for an
M.A. in Translation and Interpretation.
Finally, why should a family consider St. Joe's Prep?
In this truly caring environment, there is something for everyone. Whether you're an
athlete, a
debater, or a Harry Potter nerd like me, you can find your niche at the Prep.
This blog post was written by Mr. Ed Turner '00, Director of Admission.