Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mothers' Club Fashion Show - A Prep Tradition

In today's post, two Prep moms, Stephanie Lyons [Sean ‘16] and Sandra Fecca [Chris ‘16], share their story about how the Mothers' Club Fashion Show was a catalyst for friendship and an opportunity to become more closely connected to other Prep families.

The Fashion Show is one of many Mothers' Club traditions, and in the spring of 2012 we met at the “Feeling Groovy" themed show. Our boys would be freshmen in the fall. We remember feeling nervous, not knowing if we would feel comfortable in the Prep community or among the other mothers that we would meet.
The two of us were seated together at the Fashion Show and after we introduced ourselves we immediately started to talk about where we were from and about our amazing sons. We got along and felt comfortable with each other from the start. We had a great conversation and lots of laughs. We remember leaving the Fashion Show excited about the new journey our sons were about to take – and the one we too were now on.

We kept thinking, “WOW", what an amazing group of women we met today, not only at our table, but in the whole room! In May of 2012 we met again at the Incoming Mothers’ Reception where we exchanged information and kept in touch throughout the summer. Today our friendship has grown and we've been blessed to meet other amazing moms on our journey. We all keep in touch and often get together for a girls night out. This past year we co-chaired Homecoming 2013 (O Holy Night theme). We are thankful and honored to call these amazing women our friends! And we owe it all to the Fashion Show.

Homecoming 2013
This blog post was written by Stephanie Lyons and Sandra Fecca, loyal Prep moms.

1 comment:

  1. My FAVORITE Fashion Show story EVER by two AMAZING Prep Moms. Thanks girlies for all you do for the Prep. xo
